Who book summary

The 4 steps of hiring are:
- Scorecard - define a set of outcomes and competencies that define a job well done
- Source - systematic sourcing to ensure a continuous stream of good candidates
- Select - running structured interviews that allow you to gather the relevant facts about a person
- Sell - convince your target hire to join your company
What you're aiming to do is hire A Players, who are defined as candidates who have at least 90% chance of achieving a set of outcomes that only the top 10% of possible candidates could achieve.
How to install the A method for hiring in your company
- Make people a top priority - it's not just a passing fad
- Follow the A method yourself - lead by example
- Build support among your executive team or peers - engage everyone
- Cast a clear vision for the organisation and reinforce it - communicate it and back it up with action
- Train your team on best practices
- Remove barriers that impede success
- Implement new policies that support the change
- Recognise and reward those who use the method and achieve results
- Remove managers who are not on board
- Celebrate wins and plan for more change
- Composed of 3 parts - job's mission, outcomes and competencies
- Provides clear link between the people you hire and the strategy
- Mission: the executive summary of the job's core purpose, written in plain english
- Outcomes: what a person NEEDS to accomplish in a role. Should be as objective and observable as possible
- Competencies: define how you expect a new hire to operate in the fulfillment of the job and the achievement of the outcomes
- Critical competencies include: efficiency, honesty / integrity, organisation / planning, aggressiveness, follow-through, intelligence, analytical skills, attention to detail, persistence, proactivity
- The top 5 methods of sourcing talent: referrals from business network, referrals from personal network, hire external recruiter, hire a recruiting researcher, hire an internal recruiter
- Whenever you meet someone new, ask "Who are the most talented people you know that I should hire?"
- Ask your customers, business partners, suppliers for names, and join professional organisations and go to events
- Hold employees accountable for sourcing people through their networks
- Schedule in 30 minutes each week to identify and nurture A players
- When you're done with each call, ask them "Now that you know a little about me, who are the most talented people you know might be a good fit for my company?"
- How to source:
- Referrals from business and personal networks
- Referrals from employees
- Deputizing friends of the firm
- Hiring recruiters and researchers
- Create sourcing systems
- To be a great interviewer, get out of passively witnessing how somebody acts during an interview
- Use 4 interviews to collect facts and data about a candidate's track record: screening interview, who interview, focussed interview, reference interview
- Screening interview: used to save time by eliminating inappropriate people as quickly as possible. Should not take longer than 30 minutes
- Use the fear of reference checks to ensure candidates come out with the truth
- They should really be able to give you 5-8 areas where they lack interest, ability or don't want to operate
- End the call swiftly if they are really not right for the role
- Who interview: in-depth chronological walkthrough of a candidates history over the last 15 years
- Should ideally be conducted with a colleague
- Kick off interview by setting expectations
- Focused interview: focused on the outcomes and competencies of the scorecard
- Assign various team members to focus on one or a few outcomes and competencies
- They should each then take 45 mins to 1 hour to find out whether the candidate scores well on those agenda items
- Cultural fit test should be part of this stage
- There should then be a candidate discussion where each member of the interview panel grades the scorecard using the skill-will framework
- Reference interview: conduct 7 reference calls with people you choose from the Who interview. Ask the candidate to set up the calls if possible. Should comprise 3 bosses, 2 peers / customers and 2 subordinates.
- Then it's time for the final decision! You want candidates who have scored mostly A's across the board
- The 5 areas are the five F's of selling: fit, family, freedom, fortune and fun
- Fit - ties together company's vision, needs, and culture with the candidate's goals, values and strengths
- Family - takes into account broader trauma of changing jobs
- Freedom - autonomy to make own decisions
- Fortune - reflects the stability of the company and financial upside
- Fun - describes the work environment and personal relationships the candidate will make
- Pay people on a performance basis (tie it to the scorecard)
- Selling is something you should be doing throughout the entire process
- Be persistent, don't give up!